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Efficiency & Expertise

At IDR Commercial Construction Management, we bring years of specialized experience to healthcare facility renovations. Our deep understanding of the unique demands of medical environments, coupled with our ability to navigate structural challenges and project management, ensures that we deliver renovation projects on time, within budget, and to the highest quality standards.

Trusted by Local Health Authorities &
Medical Equipment Suppliers

Our Experience in Healthcare Facility Renovations

Renovating a healthcare facility requires more than standard construction skills. It involves creating spaces that support critical medical operations, adhere to strict regulatory requirements, and minimize disruption to patient care. We are well-versed in managing these challenges, delivering projects that allow healthcare providers to continue operating smoothly while we transform their facilities.

Structural Challenges

Precise Project Management

Budget Transparency

IDR specializes in addressing the unique structural requirements of healthcare facilities. Whether upgrading an aging infrastructure or expanding clinical space, our team ensures compliance with medical standards and safety regulations.

We understand the importance of keeping healthcare renovations on schedule. Our team develops a realistic project timeline and sticks to it, ensuring minimal impact on facility operations and preventing costly delays.

Renovating medical facilities can be costly, but IDR is committed to managing your project within budget. Our experience allows us to foresee potential cost drivers and implement solutions that keep financial surprises at bay.

Recent Projects

We recently collaborated with Christie Innomed to upgrade four x-ray rooms across various healthcare facilities in British Columbia. While Christie Innomed provided the medical equipment and oversaw the project on behalf of the facilities, we managed the structural and logistical side of the construction project. 

We were able to adapt to unforeseen challenges during demolition and still make them work with the planned design without going over budget or over time. We ensured that every element of the upgrade received careful attention, from overhead equipment structures to the flooring underfoot. 

Reach Out to Our Team Today

We want to hear about your healthcare facility renovation project!